Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Scrum

My six-year-old daughter is in her second year of soccer. At her age the game is comprised of twelve first-graders in a giant scrum around the ball.  Eventually a few kids figure it out and realize that if they leave the scrum they'll find open space and a goal-scoring opportunity.

As I was watching the game last night it dawned on me that the six-year-old soccer scrum is a lot like life. For many life is one big scrum as we carry-on day after day as part of the pack. Too many people never leave the scrum.  For many it's not that their unwilling they just don't realize that in many cases there's a better or different way to do things.  For others there's an unwillingness to go a different direction due to numerous reasons that seem completely legitimate while we're in the scrum. Whether its in business, athletics or life in general real happiness often doesn't come until you break away from the "scrum".

The hard part is breaking away.