Saturday, August 20, 2011

Expedition Impossible

How often can you say you've truly been inspired by summer network television?  In my case not that often. This summer there's an exception in the ABC reality show Expedition Impossible.  As reality shows go it's pretty standard fare, a mix of Survivor and the Amazing Race. The show takes place in Morocco and consists of teams of three competing an overland and water race that mixes problem solving, teamwork and physical endurance.  Over the past couple of weeks it's gone from great summer entertainment to true inspirational entertainment with the continued survival of the Colorado based "No Limits" team of Jeff, Ike and Erik against incredible odds.

For the past three weeks No Limits has persisted against incredible odds and avoided elimination.  What makes their story incredible is the fact that one member, Erik, is blind and another, Ike, is competing on a broken ankle.  I can't say I've been truly moved by a reality show that often, but seeing Jeff and Ike guide Erik for the entire length of the show, up mountains, down mountains on white water rapids, is a true lesson in friendship, perseverance and overcoming obstacles. Here's a link to Erik's website and amazing story.  Follow the link to a great short video on Erik speaking about the subject of adversity and getting out of your comfort zone.

In the past couple of weeks the story of No Limits has gone beyond Erik's story. For the past three weeks Ike, who's done three tours of duty in Afghanistan, has been competing on what is essentially a broken ankle-- traversing difficult mountain terrain. Against all odds, a due to teamwork and overcoming physical and mental obstacles No Limits continues on.  

If you have time to catch up the episodes are available on line.  The final is this coming Thursday.  Even if you missed all nine previous episodes I encourage you to watch the final and to cheer for the fellas from No Limits. 

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