Thursday, August 11, 2011

Neighborhood Kids (Part 1 of 2)

Most of us grew up with a neighbor who, for whatever reason, just didn't seem to like kids. Or, maybe he did like kids, but he just didn't like you. I had such a neighbor growing up. His house was an automatic target for snowballs, and his car attracted apples like none other. At some point however, youthful foolishness gave way to more mature behaviors like driving up and down the same street for hours in search of no one in particular.

I saw this neighbor just the other day, back in the neighborhood I grew up in. My best guess is that he's in his 80's now. We walked parallel to one another only on opposite sides of the street for about one block. His gait was slow, but steady. My own kids walked along the sidewalk, their short legs made for a similar pace. I wonder if their chilldlike noises caused this to happen or not, but at one point he looked over and our eyes met for the first time in 20 years.

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